Facebook is one of the very popular social media networks with a monthly active user-base of 1.11 Billion (link). I has done many good things for people companies as well as many unsavory things but this segment is just going to go though the Facebook polices and their Term of Services.

The first item that interest me was just how they control the information that you essentially give to Facebook to use. It essentially collects information such as what pages you like, what kind of Facebook apps you use such as games, or even just where you live to create a list of advertisements that you might be interested in. Its good for the companies as it saves them a lot of trouble trying to actively shout out to get potential customers, and users who would be interested in that kind of stuff. But it also, can backfire as it can lead to rather obscure adds and even companies finding their way to Facebook to harm users with ‘fake’ advertisements. (This is from personal experience using the service). Though, they do give the curtsey of removing your name and other identifying information before transferring the data over.

Facebook within their policies has stated that anyone who posts a picture or a video onto their site is given permission for Facebook to essentially give them the all clear to do basically anything they like to the content given to them. Even after deleting the content, Facebook may have backup copies within their server. This essentially shuts out people showing their professional work on lets say their professional page since Facebook essentially owns it as well.

Most of the Terms and Policies seem to be fairly standard for All-ages social network site, though this has brought up the fact that you don’t truly know who has access to what’s information. I personally don’t believe after reading this is that Facebook is ‘evil’. Its more or less an double edged sword as it can both benefit people as well as hinder. My little piece of advice would be to only publish information of Facebook that you don’t care that is goes public.